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It's OK to Change Your Mind

choices think differently warrior within Apr 23, 2024

I’m all about helping people to love, respect, and accept themselves.  To realize their innate power and worthiness.  While we all have these inherent attributes, some (many) don’t seem interested in claiming or developing them.  They prefer to live life from their flawed point-of-view (POV), even if this POV is a lacking/detrimental/hateful one.  Rather than change their thinking. they prefer to maintain their fixed/detrimental mindset and continue doing their best to find fault with others and life in general. 

Talk about rough duty!!

I now understand life to be like an infinitely faceted diamond.  There’s no end to the beauty and sparkle.  With a slightly different angle on a subject, a new realization is sparked, and your love and understanding expands and grows.  This is the beauty of being alive in this mysterious, wonderful, Universe we live in.  An unending supply of wonderment, joy, and love.

Expanding your love starts with you deciding to be a happier person.  It’s all in the attitude you choose to experience your life with.  And we have TOTAL control over that!

Open your heart and practice loving things during your day.  A lot of us were taught to find differences and focus on them.  Once you focus on differences it’s easy to start categorizing and sorting them.  We can all find differences that will keep us on the top of the heap.  We’ll tell ourselves that we’re the best because: . . .We fool ourselves and diminish our power because we’re always comparing ourselves to external criteria. 

The only way I know around this, is to start loving yourself and everything and everyone you encounter during the day.  Find a reason to love.  All you have to do is change your mind and decide to be more loving.  Find similarities instead of differences.  Welcome them into your life and the new experiences they bring you.

A nice game you can play with yourself is to find 10 things during the day to love.  Once you’ve developed this attitude/habit, up it to 20 things during the day.  The actual number you set doesn’t really matter, this is just a tool to develop a new habit in yourself to find reasons to love. 

Remember - what you focus on expands!   Use this Universal law to you advantage.








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